Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Web 2.0: Blogging

Blogs are online journals in which one can write essentially anything. Blogging can be used in many different ways. They can be used for some people to vent about their frustrations and become an electronic journal for some. I personal read some gossip blogs online so I can keep up on the garbage going on in Hollywood. However, many teachers have incorporated blogs into their lessons plans. I read of a teacher of an ESL class having his students write in blogs. This may help the students learn better English by typing out what they want to say in a blog. Some teachers use blogs in order to keep in touch with parents and keeping them in touch with what they are doing in class. I believe that this is a very great idea with the busy life parents have nowadays. If a parent was wondering what was going on in their child’s class, they can just check online and give the teacher feedback as well via the internet. Other teachers can also get ideas from other teachers’ blogs. Sharing lesson plans via blog could be useful for a teacher who is searching for new and different lessons for their classes. I found that teachers sharing information via blogs was a great idea and it is definitely something I am looking forward to when I become a teacher.


Janee' said...

I really like the idea of using blogs to communicate with parents in your classroom. I think it is very important to keep in touch with parents and this is a great way to do it. I like how we are using blogs within out classroom. I will incorporate blogging in my future classroom, and I would hope by then all my parents have access to computers.

BLangley said...

I have used blogs in webct6 many for almost all of my classes, it is a great tool. I had never thought about having a parent blog this is an awesome idea.

Jenny Clottu said...

I really like the idea of using blogs in the classroom and to be able to collaborate with other teachers as well as communicate and update parents. Blogging is a tool that is used in so many contexts nowdays. I really enjoy reading blogs on finance and gossip. Students can use this tool in the classroom to learn and collaborate and it will benefit them in the real world as well.


Cynthia said...

Hey Bernadette: Blogs do definitely have their advantages. I like all the examples you gave on how to use them. I guess they are in a sense, like journals, since you can vent, and also like modern day mail and phones, in that it is the most contemporary form of communication used today.